KPost specializes in commercial and residential roofing, and provides waterproofing services for all sizes of structures. Hiring the right commercial roofing contractor is vital to the long-term success of your commercial building. Our experienced team installs every type of roofing system. We also offer a full line of specialty applications, including paver and pedestal systems, green and garden roof options, and IPE decking. Our residential roofing contractors are held to the same standards of Safety, Quality & Value our commercial roofing clients in Dallas Fort Worth have been accustomed to since 2003. Our residential crews are uniformed in KPost safety vests, follow OSHA standards for being tied off for fall protection, and manage a clean worksite. We have an in-house ANSI/SPRI ES-1 compliant sheet metal shop to do custom fabrications of ornamental architectural features and flashings, structural steel supports and framing, gutters with downspouts, and HVAC rooftop equipment curbs. KPost offers Lightweight Insulating Concrete (LWIC), a sustainable, high-performance monolithic substrate alternative to traditional roofing insulation that has tremendous advantages.
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